All response codes between 0 and 99 are either from the Acquiring or Issuing Bank.
The Gateway uses a set of standard response codes to indicate the status of an authorisation request to the Acquirer. These response codes are based on the 2-character ISO 8583 response codes.
Some ISO-8583 codes are not numeric and therefore to ensure all Gateway response codes are numeric these codes are mapped to an equivalent numeric code greater than 99.
Not all ISO-8583 codes are applicable to the types of transactions currently available via the Gateway and therefore unapplicable codes, although documented, may not currently be returned.
If the authorising Acquirer does not return a suitable ISO 8583 code, then the Gateway will attempt to map the Acquirers response to a suitable code.
The original Acquirer authorisation response code and response message will always be returned in the acquirerResponseCode and acquirerResponseMessage fields..
The original Acquirer authorisation response code may not be numeric and information on these codes will need to be requested from the Acquirer.
Please see the Gateway Integration Guide for full details of what each code means.
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