The Virtual Terminal has been designed for you to use when processing mail order or secure telephone payments. The secure environment allows you to process credit and debit card payments, as well as refund transactions, all in real time. The Virtual Terminal is a web based portal and can be easily accessed through a desktop, tablet or mobile device.
Processing a Transaction
When viewing the Virtual Terminal the following fields will appear, some of which are mandatory and others are optional.
Transaction Lookup
Cross Reference: You can search for a specific transaction using the unique Cross Reference. Type or copy and paste the cross reference into this box and click 'Lookup Transaction'.
Transaction Details
Merchant Account: Select the Merchant Account/ID you wish to process the transaction on – we strongly recommend that SALES on the Virtual Terminal are always done on a MOTO Merchant Account.
Transaction Type: Use the drop down menu to specify the type of transaction. PREAUTH, SALE, REFUND etc.
Merchant’s Country: Use the drop down menu to specify the country in which the Merchant is based.
Currency: Use the drop down menu to specify the currency to be used for the transaction.
Amount: Enter the value of the transaction you wish to process.
Capture/Settle: Use the drop down menu to specify when you wish to capture and settle the funds from the Customer.
Payment Type: Select if this is a one off payment or whether this is part of a Recurring/Instalment Agreement. The Instalment Payment is when the Cardholder is paying in instalments for a product/service and the end price is known. The Recurring Agreement is potentially a never ending repeat payment where the repeat charge is known but the end amount may not be.
Unique Reference: The Merchant can enter a unique reference to help them identify the sale.
Order Description: The Merchant can enter an order description.
Payment Details (Card)
Card Number: Enter the 16-digit PAN/card number here.
Expiry Date: Use the drop down menu to select the expiry date of the card.
Security Code: Enter the CV2/CVV number on the signature strip on the back of the card to be processed.
Customer Details
Customer’s Name: Enter the full name of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s Address: Enter the address of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s Town/City: Enter the town/city of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s County: Enter the county of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s Postcode: Enter the full postcode of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s Country: Enter the country of the cardholder to be charged.
Customer’s Phone: Enter the full phone number of the customer.
Customer’s Email: Enter the email address of the customer.
Delivery Details
Deliver to: Enter the full name of the recipient.
Delivery Address: Enter the address of the receiver,
Delivery Town/City: Enter the town/city of the receiver.
Delivery County: Enter the county of the receiver.
Delivery Postcode: Enter the full postcode of the receiver.
Delivery Country: Enter the country of the receiver.
Delivery Phone: Enter the full phone number of the receiver.
Delivery Email: Enter the email address of the receiver
Purchase Details
Tax and Discounts
Tax Amount: Enter the amount of tax in the total price.
Tax Rate: Enter the rate of tax.
Tax Reason: Reason for tax (e.g. VAT).
Discount Amount: Enter the amount of discount included in price.
Discount Reason: Reason for discount (e.g. Buy one get one free).
Purchased Items (AMEX requirement only)
Description: Brief description of product/service being purchased.
Quantity: Amount being purchased for AMEX card only.
Amount: Total amount of product/service.
Authorisation Code: If the transaction has an authorisation code from the Acquiring Bank, enter it here.
Custom Details
You can add a standard or custom value by using the 'Add Field' button below. If you select a field that is available in one of the above sections, then any value here will be ignored. Our standard fields include Statement Narratives, Merchant Details, Supplier Details, Customer Details, Delivery Details, Shipping Details, Receiver Detail and Facilitator Details.
Click ‘Process Transaction’ to commit the transaction for processing.
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