The attached guide explains how to create a Pay Button. The Pay Button allows a Merchant to create a simple HTML link that can be integrated into a webpage or e-mail. When clicked, the user is taken to the hosted payment form with pre-populated product information such as the amount, product description and order reference.
When a Merchant uses the Virtual Terminal for MOTO Transactions, it is not possible to benefit from 3-D Secure protection. This may make an important difference to the Merchant’s position in the event of chargebacks. In that context, it is important that the Merchant is fully aware of their Acquirer’s, Card Schemes’ and Card Issuers’ rules concerning where liability lies in the event of a chargeback claim by a Consumer, since some Acquirers switch the liability to the Consumer using 3-D Secure whilst other Acquirers leave the liability with the Merchant; and whilst yet other rules may apply to the Card Issuers and the Card Schemes. Please note that to benefit from 3-D Secure when using a Pay Button, the appropriate preferences must be set within the MMS Preferences tab.
NB that whilst Cardstream provides Pay Button as an efficient way in which Merchants can gain 3-D Secure protection through an online click and pay function, Cardstream does not take any responsibility whatsoever for different Acquirers’ liability rules or Card Issuer or Card Scheme rules where 3-D Secure is used. 3-D Secure protection rules are entirely the responsibility of the Merchant to ascertain.
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